
Plan Ahead.jpg


  • Make sure you are registered - it’s free! The only way to attend FujoCon is to be a registered attendee.

  • Refresh your memory on how to attend.

  • Bookmark this page for easy schedule reference.

  • Not in the US? Have a time converter handy so don’t miss a minute of the action! FujoCon broadcasts from CDT.

Please note that for watch parties on Netflix, you will need a Netflix account to participate.

Schedule Banner.jpg




[Zoom 1]
[Zoom 2]
[Gaming Zoom]
[Watch Parties]
12:00 PM For the King One-Day Cosplay Challenge STARTS
12:15 PM FujoCon 2021 Opening Ceremony
12:30 PM 3D BL: The Commodification of Real Person Shipping
1:00 PM Mark and Loran Present: The BL Sports Festival Escape Room!
1:30 PM Mark and Loran Present: The BL Sports Festival Escape Room!
2:00 PM Yaoi That Hurt Me The Yin Yang Master Dream of Eternity
2:30 PM Gateway Queer: Genderqueer Identities and M/M Romance Fandom Hag Quiz Bowl
3:00 PM A Twisted Bunch - Meetup
3:30 PM
4:00 PM BL Desam: Boys Love Fandom in the Subcontinent But We're Both Men! BL Cliches, Why Are They There? Where Did They Come From? Hangman
4:30 PM The BL Fan Project
5:00 PM
5:30 PM VVBG Presents: The Boyfriend Theory & Other BL Writing Tactics 2.5 Stage—Anime, Video Games, and Live Action, Oh My! Fuck Marry Kill Black BL Fans Unite! - Meetup
6:00 PM BL in Non-BL Industries Queer Japan Screening (Special Ticket Event)
6:30 PM Fujo Family Feud Q&A with Nicholas Bella/Rooting For The Bad Guy
7:00 PM Y Series Update: Unpacking the Latest in BL in Thailand
7:30 PM
8:00 PM What's New is Old: Save Your Smut BL Trivia! - BL Anime Frantic Fanfic! The Fanfic Party Game Q&A with Graham Kolbeins
8:30 PM
9:00 PM Fujoshi Bait: The Integration of Boys Love Literacies in Mainstream Japanese Media and Beyond Gundam Wing: The Hot, the Weird, the WHAT?! Fuck Marry Kill Live Action BL Meetup
9:30 PM Rotten Blossoms Industry Panel
10:00 PM
10:30 PM Learning Japanese with Yaoi
Among Us - Find the Imposter 2.5D Stage Fans - Meetup
11:00 PM Live Concert w/ Jeff Satur Digital Fanthropology: A Deep Dive Into Early ’00s Era Fan Communities BL Jeopardy! Reon Sakura Live Drawing on YouTube
11:30 PM


[Zoom 1]
[Zoom 2]
[Gaming Zoom]
[Watch Parties]
12:00 AM DLsite Industry Panel: Doujin Works, Digital Publishing and What’s Popular in Japan CLOSED FOR BREAK BL Jeopardy! (Cont.) Among Us - Find the Imposter (Cont.)
12:30 AM BL Gets Around: Notes from My Research Travels
1:00 AM CLOSED FOR BREAK For the King
1:30 AM
2:00 AM Irodori Sakura: What Are Doujinshi and Why Am I Paying $5 for 20 pages? BL Trivia! -  Live Action BL Heaven Official's Blessing - Watch Party
2:30 AM
3:00 AM
3:30 AM Gravitation: A Force to Be Reckoned With
4:00 AM Seraph of the End - Watch Party [Europe/Asia Only]
4:30 AM
5:00 AM A Step-by-Step Guide for Aspiring Webtoon Creators
5:30 AM BL Madlib
7:00 AM
7:30 AM
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM Ingredients (2020) Watch Party
9:30 AM
10:00 AM Living in Japan and Respecting Cultures in Stories Your Name Engraved Herein - Watch Party
10:30 AM BL Live Action Dramas That Ruined My Life For the King
11:00 AM MLM: Men Love Monsters??? Brazillian Fans Unite! - Meetup
11:30 AM GarticPhone Fuck Marry Kill
12:00 PM MM Romance Narration and Q&A with Nick J. Russo Upstate New York BL Fans - Meetup
12:30 PM Yuri!!! on Ice in/and the Fandom Contact Zone BL Trivia! - BL Classics
1:00 PM Anime RIVALS: the Queer Subtext of a Sworn Nemesis Among Us - Find the Imposter
1:30 PM Weaving Plot and Romance: How to Write an Interesting, Balanced Novel
2:00 PM Parodies of Male Same-Sex Love in The Great Mirror of Male Love and Zetsuai 1989
2:30 PM Bringing Boys Love to the Next Level Through Vtubers Mark and Loran Present: The BL Sports Festival Escape Room!
3:00 PM Mark and Loran Present: The BL Sports Festival Escape Room! Dead Doves Anonymous - Meetup
3:30 PM Consent and Rape Fantasy in Boys Love Manga: ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ From the 1970s to Today Ask Dr. Fujo!
4:00 PM BL Trivia! Anything Goes All things BL Massachusetts BL Fans - Meetup
4:30 PM M/M Author Round Table
5:00 PM futekiya Industry Panel with Makuno Ascendant Animation Industry Panel Zines + Anthologies - Meetup
5:30 PM Battleships!
6:00 PM Proper Fujo Etiquette: How to Be the Very Best Fujoshi
6:30 PM Genderless Men: Androgyny in Japanese Fashion and Media Tenankichi Q&A
7:00 PM
7:30 PM Hypnosis Mic - Meetup
8:00 PM Guest of Honor: Scarlet Beriko Live Draw and Q&A
8:30 PM
9:00 PM
9:30 PM Curating and Uplifting: Rotten Blossoms and Yaoi Crate Bara and Geicomi - Meetup
10:00 PM Live Talk and Drawing Session with Nacolat and futekiya He She It (2019) Watch Party BL Against Humanity
10:30 PM Q&A with Two and a Half Studios
11:00 PM CLOSED FOR BREAK What It's Like to Sell BL Art Online & Artist Alley
11:30 PM


[Zoom 1]
[Zoom 2]
[Gaming Zoom]
[Watch Parties]
12:00 AM Q&A W/ Executive Producer Pop Chadtarat Kittichotiwong CLOSED FOR BREAK CLOSED FOR BREAK Fuck Marry Kill
12:30 AM
1:00 AM Hangman
1:30 AM Jeff & Game Live Q&A
2:00 AM
2:30 AM Yaoi Go!
3:00 AM “Pinoy” BL: Introduction to Filipino Language BL in the Philippines
4:30 AM
5:00 AM The Untamed  - Watch Party
5:30 AM
6:00 AM
6:30 AM Mark and Loran's Escape Room
7:00 AM Mark and Loran's Escape Room
7:30 AM
8:00 AM For the King
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM BL Trivia! - BL or Not
10:00 AM FANTI: A Roundtable with Aeri & Cristal Marie Nezha - Watch Party
10:30 AM Gay Karate Bugmen: A Rotten History of Toei's Super Hero Time Semefight
11:00 AM Fanfic to Fic: Why Writing Fanfic Helps an Author Hone Their Skills
11:30 AM Morality in Boys Love Dramas
12:00 PM SuBLime Manga Industry Panel BL Madlib One-Day Cosplay Challenge ENDS
12:30 PM
1:00 PM Voice Acting Q&A w/ Kiba and Cole Making Money as an Artist Among Us - Find the Imposter
1:30 PM Yaoi!!! on ICE: Watching Sports Anime as Fujoshi BL Trivia! - New BL Titles
2:00 PM
2:30 PM Fujo is Not a 4-Letter Word: Destigmatizing the BL Genre World Building Without Info Dumps Yaoi Go!
3:00 PM Yaoi Crate Industry Panel
4:15 PM FujoCon 2021 Closing Ceremony
4:30 PM
Panel Descriptions.jpg

fujocon emoji guide

🍆 = 18+ panel


🎥 = Recorded for later viewing


2.5 Dimensional Stage Fans - Meetup

FRIDAY 6.11 | 10:30PM - 11:30PM | Discord

This is a meet up for 2.5 dimensional stage fans. Let’s talk about favorite stages and titles!

2.5 Stage—Anime, Video Games, and Live Action, Oh My!—When Animation Makes It To The Stage

FRIDAY 6.11 | 5:30PM - 6:30PM | The Outfield [Zoom 2] | 🍆

Hosted by Alternatewarning (He / Him), Bridge (She / Her)

“Live Action” and “Anime” don't sound like words that should be in the same sentence, as some Netflix specials have shown. However, what if it wasn't so awful? Welcome to 2.5D, where adapting anime, video games, manga, and even mobile games actually improves the franchise instead of making it a laughing stock. Popular idol-raising mobile game Ensemble Stars has 9 unique plays and Prince of Tennis has been going strong since 2003. (As a bonus for the fujo in all of us, 2.5D tends to lean heavy on the BL fanservice). We'll discuss how to watch these plays, how to get invested in the fandom, and how much your wallet will immediately regret the previous two suggestions. Even if you don't think it could be a live action, it's probably in 2.5D.

3D BL: The Commodification of Real Person Slash

FRIDAY 6.11 | 12:30PM - 1:30PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆

Hosted by THOTCRIMES (She / Her)

Real Person Slash (RPS)—fanworks depicting male celebrities together in fictional couplings—has been a polarizing aspect of fandom for decades. In recent years, RPS has ascended from fandom's "dirty little secret" to a money-making phenomenon in the East and West. Learn the history and practices of RPS and "3D BL"—its commercial counterpart—and explore the debates spurred by its increased visibility.

A Twisted Bunch - Meetup

FRIDAY 6.11 | 3:00PM - 4:00PM | DISCORD

A meet up for people who can't get enough of Twisted Wonderland's Disney villain sexification.

Among Us - Find the Imposter

FRIDAY 6.11 | 10:30PM - 12:30AM | DISCORD

Hosted by navaa (She / Her)

Join your crewmates in a multiplayer game of teamwork and betrayal! https://innersloth.com/gameAmongUs.php If you would like to play, please head to the Among Us channel in the FujoCon discord. Games will be first come, first play.

BL Desam: Boys Love Fandom in the Subcontinent

FRIDAY 6.11 | 4:00PM - 5:00PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Lakshmi Menon (She / Her)

This presentation intends to trace how India’s BL fans have exponentially grown in number and visibility in the past couple of years. How much does this owe to the burgeoning popularity of live action BL series—especially during the 2020 lockdown—and what does this mean for a country of over a billion people who are still very reticent to discuss matters of sexuality? The presentation will look at three aspects of India’s BL fans—firstly, the way the 2020 pandemic has affected BL fandoms in India; secondly, the way that Indian fans participate in BL fan spaces; and thirdly, the way that BL media has formed a gateway for young Indians to negotiate and explore LGBTQ+ spaces.

BL in Non-BL Industries

FRIDAY 6.11 | 6:00PM - 7:00PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 🎥

Hosted by Kit (She / They)

Ever wondered why BL tends to get hidden away from your favorite non-BL company? Curious as to why there's so little marketing when a series is picked up by a mainstream platform? This panel takes a dive into how BL is handled in various industries and how things like antis, mistranslations, and poorly worded summaries can hurt BL!


FRIDAY 6.11 | 11:00PM - 12:30AM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by Victoria Esnard (She / Her)

Calling all fujoshi! Time to show off your BL knowledge in this Boys Love themed edition of Anime Jeopardy. Covering content from manga, doujinshi, anime, games, and more.


FRIDAY 6.11 | 8:00PM - 8:30PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

This year we have six different trivia events each one with a different theme! BL Classics: 2010 or earlier; Hot off the Press: new titles from 2019 and on; Live-Action BL: Thai, Pinoy, and more!; BL Anime; Anything Goes!: All things BL; BL or Not?; and Be sure to join and challenge your knowledge! Winners will receive amazing prizes!

BLack BL Fans Unite! - Meetup

FRIDAY 6.11 | 5:30PM - 6:30PM | Discord

Are you a Black (or mixed-with-black) BL fan? You're not alone! Let's connect! ✌🏾

But We're Both Men! BL Cliches, Why Are They There? Where Did They Come From?

FRIDAY 6.11 | 4:00PM - 5:00PM | The Outfield [Zoom 2] | 🍆🎥

Hosted by Faps (They / Them)

Ever pick up a BL book and read the line, “But we're both men!” Seems odd, considering you were reading Man! Is it Wrong to Crave a Policeman's Manly-Man Abs, Even Though I'm Also a Man!? Yaoi/Boys Love has a host of sub-genres and odd tropes that this panel will explore. Trigger warnings for references to non-con, domestic violence, homophobia, misogyny, and transphobia.

Craft & Relax


Have some downtime between panels? Want to share what current project you're working on with everyone? Then stop by the Craft & Relax channel in Discord where you can live stream your project progress live with other crafters!

Digital Fanthropology: A Deep Dive Into Early ’00s Era Fan Communities

FRIDAY 6.11 | 11:00PM - 12:00AM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 🎥

Hosted by CJ Hostetter (They / Them) & Matt Kaemmerer (He / Him)

From the webrings and blogs of the early ’00s to the Discord servers of modern fandom, technology has been an invisible force in shaping communities and the way we interact online. Join digital anthropologist CJ Hostetter and game dev Matt Kaemmerer as they discuss technology, online communities, and how their ethnographic research informed the development process for their upcoming indie game, Terranova.

Fandom Hag Quiz Bowl

FRIDAY 6.11 | 2:30PM - 3:30PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by THOTCRIMES (She / Her)

Do the words “HIV-centric high school Hamilton AU” mean anything to you? Was Grell Sutcliff responsible for your sexual awakening? Did Pornish Pixies’ move to InsaneJournal fundamentally change you as a person? Grab your AOL Internet disc and Naruto-run your ass to the ball pit, because it's time for the FANDOM HAG QUIZ BOWL! Put your memory to the test in this nostalgic cringefest covering BL, slash, and general fandom nonsense from the 2000s to the 2010s. Grandmas, grandpas, and grandparents welcome.

For the King

FRIDAY 6.11 | 12:00PM - 12:30PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

Will you defend your King? This is a storytelling card game based on the popular “For the Queen” card game by Evil Hat Productions. Enjoy creating a story together as you discover if you are the King’s guard, if he is in love with his advisor, and if he is hiding secrets. This year with all new kings!

Frantic Fanfic! The Fanfic Party Game

FRIDAY 6.11 | 8:00PM - 10:00PM | DISCORD

Hosted by Zee (She / Her)

Do you like fanfiction? How about party games? Frantic Fanfic is a brand spankin’ new creative writing party game where friends furiously finish each others' fanfiction. Free to play! Check out franticfanfic.com for more.


FRIDAY 6.11 | 5:30PM - 6:00PM & 9:00PM - 9:30PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

Napoleon Dynamite, Napoleon Bonaparte, or Neapolitan ice cream? What will you choose in this classic game of Fuck Marry Kill? Choose between all sorts of pop culture, anime, and real life icons. Will you marry the Neapolitan ice cream?! 300+ new cards added!


FRIDAY 6.11 | 6:30PM - 7:30PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom] | 🎥

Hosted by Dusty (He / Him)

“Survey SAYS!” It's a phrase we've all heard. Here's the BL-themed version of the show that started it all! Two teams compete to see who knows the BL fandom better. At stake—fabulous prizes for the lucky winning “family!” The Feud is sure to be a hit with game show and BL fans alike!

FujoCon 2021 Opening Ceremony

FRIDAY 6.11 | 12:15PM - 12:30PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1], Lap Pool [Twitch] | 🎥

Hosted by FujoCon

The crew of BL Garden welcomes you to FujoCon! Listen as the brains of the operation share their excitement for the weekend and what to expect!

Fujoshi Bait: The Integration of Boys Love Literacies in Mainstream Japanese Media and Beyond

FRIDAY 6.11 | 9:00PM - 10:30PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆👑

Hosted by Dr. Khursten Santos (She / Her)

This panel unpacks the idea of Fujoshi Bait. What is it? How does it work? Why is it successful for some but not for others? How much of it is intentional? Central to this lecture is the idea of Boys Love literacies and the effective and ineffective ways media use these literacies to keep and maintain a captive female audience and market.

Gateway Queer: Genderqueer Identities and M/M Romance

FRIDAY 6.11 | 2:30PM - 4:00PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 👑🎥

Hosted by J.K. Pendragon (They / Them), HR Harrison (They / Them), Jun [Heidi Cullinan] (They/Them), & Alex Powell (They / Them)

M/M Romance: loved by more than just gay men and straight women! Four genderqueer authors tackle the question of why M/M appeals to so many outside the binary, and discuss their introduction to the genre, their thoughts behind the complicated gender feels it can provoke, and their love of all things queer romance!

Gundam Wing: The Hot, the Weird, the WHAT?!

FRIDAY 6.11 | 9:00PM - 10:00PM | The Outfield [Zoom 2] | 🍆🎥

Hosted by Dusty (He / Him)

When Toonami came onto the scene in the late 1990s and early 2000s, one show in the block helped form the now-popular fanwork community: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. Join us for a look at just how this show about boys in giant robots helped push fanfiction, fanart, and more forward, both in Japan and in the West.


FRIDAY 6.11 | 4:00PM - 5:00PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

Are words your jam? Tired of the usual boring Words With Friends? Let's get things spicy and show me that D in FujoCon’s very own BL Hangman! Can you guess these words from the most famous BL titles?

Learning Japanese with Yaoi

FRIDAY 6.11 | 10:30PM - 11:30PM | The Outfield [Zoom 2] | 🍆👑

Hosted by BishieSensei (He / Him)

Have you ever wanted to learn Japanese? How about learning Japanese while watching or reading about hot boys (with other hot boys)? Come practice your nihongo with Bishounen Sensei, a resident industry translator and Japanese instructor. Prizes will be awarded to the best students!

Live Action BL - Meetup

FRIDAY 6.11 | 9:00PM - 10:00PM | Discord

A meetup for fans of live action BL and suggest your favorites!

Live Concert with Jeff Satur

FRIDAY 6.11 | 11:00PM - 11:30PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Jeff Satur (He / Him)

Enjoy a private concert featuring Jeff Satur.

Mark and Loran Present: The BL Sports Festival Escape Room!

FRIDAY 6.11 | 1:00PM - 1:30PM & 1:30PM - 2:00PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

FujoCon's mascots, Mark and Loran, NEED you! Help the couple as they rush to get all the last-minute tasks done before the summer sports festival begins. Will you get it done in time, or will you let Mark and Loran-senpai down?!

One-Day Cosplay Challenge

FRIDAY 6.11 | ALL WEEKEND | discord

Hosted by CC (She / Her)

On Friday and Saturday we will post a Cosplay Challenge Theme on Discord, and you will have 24 hours to put together a cosplay based on that theme! Costumes can be bought, borrowed, or made by hand—anything goes. Contestants must put together their outfit, take photos, and send it to us on Discord within 24 hours of the challenge being posted. To keep it fair, no photos from previous events/photoshoots will be accepted. We're mostly playing for fun, but there will be prizes for especially creative entries!

Q&A with Graham Kolbeins

FRIDAY 6.11 | 8:00PM - 9:00PM | ZOOM | 🍆👑

Hosted by Graham Kolbeins (He / Him)

Join us for a Q&A with Queer Japan director Graham Kolbeins.

Q&A with Nicholas Bella / Rooting For The Bad Guy

FRIDAY 6.11 | 6:30PM - 7:30PM | DISCORD | 🍆👑

Hosted by Nicholas Bella (They / Them)

Learn how to craft a bad guy your readers will love to hate (and hate to love) with author Nicholas Bella, then stick around for a Q&A on bad guys, hot sex, and out-of-this-world stories.

Queer Japan Screening (Special Ticket Event)

FRIDAY 6.11 | 6:00PM - 7:30PM | ZOOM | 🍆👑

Hosted by Graham Kolbeins (He / Him)

Trailblazing artists, activists, and everyday people from across the spectrum of gender and sexuality defy social norms and dare to live unconventional lives in this kaleidoscopic view of LGBTQ+ culture in contemporary Japan. You must have a ticket to attend this event. Tickets are limited, but 100% free and can be obtained here.

Reon Sakura Live Drawing on YOUTUBE

FRIDAY 6.11 | 11:00PM - 12:00AM | pixiv | 👑

Hosted by Reon Sakura (She / Her)

Watch BL mangaka Reon Sakura do a live-drawing session on YouTube!

Rotten Blossoms Industry Panel

FRIDAY 6.11 | 9:30PM - 10:30PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Rotten Blossoms

Come find out more about Rotten Blossoms! What is a doujinshi? What are Voice Dramas? And how are they made?

The BL Fan Project

FRIDAY 6.11 | 4:30PM - 5:30PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Aeri (They / Them)

The BL Fan Project started as a way to document the voices and experiences of Boys Love fans across the world. The original 2020 survey was circulated online for approximately six months and gathered 553 responses in its first year. This panel shares the findings from the survey, including data and excerpts of interviews.

The Yin Yang Master Dream of Eternity Watch Party

FRIDAY 6.11 | 2:00PM - 4:30PM | netflix & TELEPARTY

Hosted by Koilicious (She / Her)

REQUIRES NETFLIX & TELEPARTY. When a demonic serpent reawakens, the Yin-Yang Masters must solve a murder mystery and protect their realms from a dark conspiracy at the royal court.

VVBG Presents: The Boyfriend Theory & Other BL Writing Tactics

FRIDAY 6.11 | 5:30PM - 6:30PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Michi (She / Her) & Ash (She / Her)

Why are my readers shipping the MC with this random dude? What is a “boyfriend intro”? Slow burn vs fast burn: how do I keep the tension hot, sweaty, and tight? Does using tropes automatically make a story cliche? (But what if there really IS only one bed?) Join Comic Creator Duo VVBG as they discuss storycraft specifically for BL creators! Let’s talk about the process from your boys’ first kiss kiss fall in love to ending your story with a big bang… as well as all the humps along the way!

What's New is Old: Save Your Smut

FRIDAY 6.11 | 8:00PM - 9:00PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 🎥

Hosted by CC (She / Her)

In the shadow of the recent purge of explicit content from Wattpad, let's discuss a brief history of fandom content purges and what you can do to limit their impact on YOU by saving, archiving, and even printing your favorite stories.

Y Series Update: Unpacking the Latest in BL in Thailand

FRIDAY 6.11 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆👑

Hosted by Dr. Tom Baudinette (He / Him)

This panel surveys and explores new trends and developments in Thailand's "Series Y" culture, also known as Thai Boys Love. Particularly, the panel draws on Dr Baudinette's ongoing research to further consider how BL series are transforming Thailand's media and how this is impacting fandom cultures across East and Southeast Asia. Part academic lecture, part fan talk, the panel introduces new series and “imaginary couples” to provide attendees an understanding of how Thai BL has evolved since FujoCon in 2020.

Yaoi That Hurt Me

FRIDAY 6.11 | 2:00PM - 3:30PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆🎥

Hosted by Peachie (They / Them)

Do you like your BL with a little psychological horror thrown in, maybe a good cry? Do you like being so invested in a story yet also disturbed beyond measure? SO DO I! Come enjoy some quality time with Peachie as they share the more eccentric side of yaoi, with new titles for FujoCon 2021!

SATURDAY JUNE 12, 12:00 am – 11:59 PM (CDT)

A Step-by-Step Guide for Aspiring Webtoon Creators

SATURDAY 6.12 | 5:00AM - 6:00AM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 👑🎥

Hosted by SaraDeek (She / Her)

Want to start a webtoon? Here you'll find some advice that could help you discover your ideal management method depending on your workflow. This will ease the creative process and aid in the production of your very own comic.

Among Us - Find the Imposter

SATURDAY 6.12 | 1:00PM - 3:00PM | DISCORD

Hosted by navaa (She / Her)

Join your crewmates in a multiplayer game of teamwork and betrayal! https://innersloth.com/gameAmongUs.php If you would like to play, please head to the Among Us channel in the FujoCon discord. Games will be first come, first serve.

Anime RIVALS: the Queer Subtext of a Sworn Nemesis

SATURDAY 6.12 | 1:00PM - 2:00PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Cristal Marie (She / Her)

From Naruto and Sasuke, to Midoriya and Bakugo; anime rivals tread a thin line between obsession and desire. In this panel we will dive into some of the most popular ships, their undeniable queer subtext, and why these pairings are so irresistible.

Ascendant Animation Industry Panel

SATURDAY 6.12 | 5:00PM - 6:00PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Ascendant Animation

The team of Ascendant Animation joins FujoCon to discuss behind the scenes adventures and info on their upcoming projects.

Ask Dr. Fujo!

SATURDAY 6.12 | 3:30PM - 4:30PM | The Outfield [Zoom 2] | 🍆🎥

Hosted by Professor (She / Her)

This panel covers some burning questions BL fans have regarding sexual health in BL—Dr. Fujo will cover lube choices, post sex clean up concerns and more!


SATURDAY 6.12 | 5:30PM - 7:00PM | The Outfield [Zoom 2]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

Back by popular demand, FujoCon is calling its All Stars! Can you win over the audience to your ship's team? Prove you're the pair’s MVP by arguing our random pairing and why they are the best team to back! Prizes to the MVP of the best argued pairs!

Bara and Geicomi - Meetup

SATURDAY 6.12 | 9:30PM - 10:00PM | DISCORD

Hosted by Prodigal Fujoshi (She / Her)

A virtual meetup for anyone who enjoys bara and geicomi.

BL Against Humanity

SATURDAY 6.12 | 10:00PM - 11:30PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom] | 🎥

Hosted by Dusty (He / Him)

The (infamous?) popular party game comes to the most awesome BL party around! Using a deck of completely customized cards geared toward our fellow fujin, expect the best of the worst to come out of our players chosen right from the audience.

BL Gets Around: Notes from My Research Travels

SATURDAY 6.12 | 12:30AM - 1:30AM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆👑

Hosted by Dr. James Welker (He / Him)

In this panel, scholar James Welker will share observations—and images!!—from his research travels between 2018 and early 2020, during which time he went to BL events, yuri events, LGBTQ comic events, general Japanese fan events, and—when he couldn’t go to any events—bookstores with queer manga or fan works on sale in Canada, France, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and the US. This travel was part of a collaborative research project on ties between BL, yuri, and other queer Japanese media and local LGBTQ communities. During his panel, he will also make comparisons among these events and with the numerous events he has attended in Japan. While it’s not safe to hold events or to travel in most parts of the world right now, James hopes his talk will get you excited for when the fan events start kicking back into gear! There will be limited time for Q&A so if you have a burning question, please tweet it at him at least a couple days before the event to have a better chance of him getting to it.

BL Live Action Dramas That Ruined My Life

SATURDAY 6.12 | 10:30AM - 11:30AM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆🎥

Hosted by Peachie (They / Them)

Follow Peachie as they tell the story of their live action BL enlightenment! Chinese, Thai, Korean, Japanese—they love them all~ come hang out & chat dramas!

BL Mad LibS

SATURDAY 6.12 | 5:30AM - 6:30AM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

That’s right, it wouldn’t be a convention without BL Garden’s infamous BL Mad Libs. Brush off your grammar and pull out your School House Rock in time for this hilarious time-honored tradition. Let’s make a splash with this year's Mad Libs!


SATURDAY 6.12 | 2:00AM - 2:30AM, 12:30PM - 1:30PM, & 4:00PM - 4:30PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

This year we have six different trivia events each one with a different theme! The early morning offering will be “BL Trivia! - Live Action BL,” the first afternoon offering will be “BL Trivia! - BL Classics,” and the second afternoon offering will be “BL Trivia! Anything Goes / All things BL.” Be sure to join and challenge your knowledge! Winners will receive amazing prizes!

Brazilian Fans Unite! - Meetup

SATURDAY 6.12 | 11:00AM - 11:30AM | Discord

This is a meeting for Brazilian BL fans :D A space for Brazilians to relax and talk about BL in Brazil and around the world. And also to talk about the work the website Blyme Yaoi does in the country and for Brazilian fandom.

Bringing Boys Love to the Next Level Through Vtubers

SATURDAY 6.12 | 2:30PM - 3:30PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Fisky (He / Him)

VTubers have emerged as a new subculture among the otaku community. With it comes a diverse new subculture, which also offers amazing ways to express yourself through streams, video production, and much more. The german catboy vtuber Fisky, who is a Boys Love enthusiast himself, will present an outlook on how that might impact the vivid Boys Love fancommunity as well. What does this new technology and and the subculture behind it offer in terms of expressing your passion for BL topics? Will this be the next step to bring anime and manga fandoms on the next level in terms of interaction and fancontent? These are exciting times, let's find out together!

Consent and Rape Fantasy in Boys Love Manga: ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ From the 1970s to Today

SATURDAY 6.12 | 3:30PM - 4:30PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆🎥

Hosted by Sara Connor (She / Her)

This panel will trace the various depictions of sexual violence and sexual consent from early, genre-defining works such as Keiko Takemiya's Kaze to Ki no Uta through the genre's evolution in the 80s and 90s and up to the diversification of sexual paradigms we see in BL today. The panel will attempt to analyze the function of sexual assault in BL for its presumed audience throughout these eras using academic scholarship on BL, feminist philosophy, and feminist film theory.

Craft & Relax


Have some downtime between panels? Want to share what current project you're working on with everyone? Then stop by the Craft & Relax channel in Discord where you can live stream your project progress live with other crafters!

Curating and Uplifting: Rotten Blossoms and Yaoi Crate

SATURDAY 6.12 | 9:30PM - 10:30PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Tylor Starr (He / Him) & Rotten Blossoms

Join Beverly Maynor, CEO of Rotten Blossoms, and Tylor Starr, Co-Creator of Yaoi Crate, as they talk about supporting independent BL artists in Japan, and what the process is for curating the products that go into a Yaoi Crate presented by Rotten Blossoms.

Dead Doves Anonymous - Meetup

saturDAY 6.11 | 3:00PM - 4:00PM | DISCORD

Are you a fujin with a love for ~*~problematique~*~ content in fiction? Bond with fellow darkfic lovers here!

DLsite Industry Panel: Doujin Works, Digital Publishing and What’s Popular in Japan

SATURDAY 6.12 | 12:00AM - 1:00AM | The Outfield [Zoom 2] | 👑🎥

Hosted by DLSite

What exactly does “doujin” mean? Learn about the world of BL doujin creators, doujin works and digital publishing with DLsite! DLsite is one of Japan's largest digital publishers and online retailers of creative works, from niche self-published doujinshi to commercially distributed games and manga. Our team is looking forward to meeting you and answering your questions! (We have a special thank-you coupon gift for all panel attendees.)

For the King

SATURDAY 6.12 | 1:00AM - 1:30AM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

Will you defend your King? This is a storytelling card game based on the popular “For the Queen” card game by Evil Hat Productions. Enjoy creating a story together as you discover if you are the King’s guard, if he is in love with his advisor, and if he is hiding secrets. This year with all new kings!


SATURDAY 6.12 | 11:30AM - 12:00PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

Napoleon Dynamite, Napoleon Bonaparte, or Neapolitan ice cream? What will you choose in this classic game of Fuck Marry Kill? Choose between all sorts of pop culture, anime, and real life icons. Will you marry the Neapolitan ice cream?! 300+ new cards added!

futekiya Industry Panel with Makuno

SATURDAY 6.12 | 5:00PM - 7:00PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆👑🎥

Hosted by futekiya & Makuno

The futekiya team is back for another fun session chatting about Boys Love manga! Our first session features BL mangaka Makuno! Join us as we talk BL and watch Makuno-sensei draw, and then stay tuned for a special giveaway courtesy of Makuno-sensei and futekiya!


SATURDAY 6.12 | 11:30AM - 12:30PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 🍆

Hosted by Britt (She / Her)

A mashup of the classic games Telephone and Pictionary. Drawing skills not required! First come, first play. https://garticphone.com/

Genderless Men: Androgyny in Japanese Fashion and Media

SATURDAY 6.12 | 6:30PM - 7:30PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by Jo (She / Her)

“Genderless” (androgynous) fashion and characters have taken Japanese mainstream media by storm since the mid-2010s, but how did it originate, and how does it challenge gender roles in Japan?

Gravitation: A Force to Be Reckoned With

SATURDAY 6.12 | 3:30AM - 4:30AM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆🎥

Hosted by Carola (She / Her)

If you were a budding fujin in the early 2000s, you definitely had a relationship with Gravitation. Whether you like it or not, this off its rockers series is a staple in BL history. Join BL author and Gravitation enthusiast Carola as she plunges you into nostalgia and takes a look at the surprisingly good, the bad, and the very very strange that makes up the Gravitation universe. Don’t try to resist, Gravitation is a force to be reckoned with!

He She It (2019) Watch Party

SATURDAY 6.12 | 10:00PM - 11:00PM | The Outfield [Zoom 2] | 🍆

Hosted by FujoCon

Screenings for the BL horror mini series He She It which follows a a tragedy of complicated relationships among teenage friends.

Heaven Official's Blessing Watch Party

SATURDAY 6.12 | 2:00AM - 3:00AM | netflix & Teleparty

Hosted by Phya (She / Her)

REQUIRES NETFLIX & TELEPARTY. Xie Lian was the Crown Prince of the Xian Le kingdom. He was beloved deeply by his citizens and ascended to the heaven at a very young age. Eight hundred years later, he ascends to the heaven for the third time and must exorcise ghosts in the mortal realm. On his travels he meets the renowned Ghost King Hua Cheng, who joins forces with him as strange events begin to reveal the truth of heavenly gods and Xie Lian's past. Come join us in watching this beautifully animated Chinese show full of action and feels as we witness a kind hearted deity with nothing to his name start again from scratch with the nothing but the love, protection, and guidance of one of the most dangerous people in existence.

Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle - Meetup

SATURDAY 6.12 | 7:30PM - 8:00PM | Discord

Welcome To The Division! Let's discuss our favorite pretty boys who with sick rhymes... and great ships!

Ingredients (2020) Watch Party

SATURDAY 6.12 | 9:00AM - 10:30AM | The Outfield [Zoom 2]

Hosted by FujoCon

Tops is a young man who has been fascinated by cooking since childhood. He finds happiness in cooking delicious and tasty food with great care. Marwin is young, romantic, playful, and charming. He loves and is dedicated to music and dreams of becoming a world-class musician. His interest in music is so strong that he didn't take care of himself until he came to live with Tops. When the difference between the two becomes the perfect combination, chaos ensues, and the two find themselves deciding between their dreams and each other. This mini-series tells the story of two friends who return to each other's lives during their last year of school and help make one another's dreams come true.

Irodori Sakura: What Are Doujinshi and Why Am I Paying $5 for 20 pages?

SATURDAY 6.12 | 2:00AM - 3:00AM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆👑🎥

Hosted by Irodori Sakura

Doujinshi publisher Irodori Sakura gives insight regarding the effects of COVID on the Japanese Doujinshi scene.

Live Talk and Drawing Session with Nacolat and futekiya

SATURDAY 6.12 | 10:00PM - 11:30PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆👑🎥

Hosted by futekiya & Nacolat (She / Her)

Join the futekiya team for a live talk and drawing session with BL mangaka Nacolat! We also have exciting news to share, and a special giveaway exclusively for FujoCon attendees, so make sure to tune in! Nacolat will be giving away signed Japanese edition copies of her books! Click here to learn more.

Living in Japan and Respecting Cultures in Stories

SATURDAY 6.12 | 10:00AM - 11:00AM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Karla Nikole (She / Her)

What's life like in Japan? Karla Nikole shares stories of her every day experiences while living and teaching abroad in Western Japan for two years, and how that adventure prepared her for respecting cultures while writing her queer vampire romance novel, Lore and Lust.

M/M Author Round Table

SATURDAY 6.12 | 4:30PM - 5:30PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Rhys Ford (They / Them or She / Her), TA Moore (She / Her), Bru Baker (She / Her), & Rosary Deville (She/Her)

Join M/M romance authors Rosary Deville, Rhys Ford, TA Moore, and Bru Baker for a Q&A round table.

Mark and Loran Present: The BL Sports Festival Escape Room!

SATURDAY 6.12 | 2:30PM - 3:00PM & 3:00PM - 3:30PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

FujoCon's mascots, Mark and Loran, NEED you! Help the couple as they rush to get all the last-minute tasks done before the summer sports festival begins. Will you get it done in time, or will you let Mark and Loran-senpai down?!


SATURDAY 6.12 | 4:00PM - 4:30PM | DISCORD

Hosted by Prodigal Fujoshi (She / Her)

A meetup for BL fans in the Massachusetts area.

MLM: Men Love Monsters???

SATURDAY 6.12 | 11:00AM - 12:00PM | The Outfield [Zoom 2] | 🍆🎥

Hosted by Midnight (They / Them)

When you hear MLM you think ‘men love men’. But what if we threw some monsters in the mix? BL has come a long way, and the most surprising part? It’s turning readers into monsterfuckers. How did this happen? Monsters belong under the bed but now they’re in the closet! Could you be a monster fucker? It’s more likely than you think!

MM Romance Narration and Q&A with Nick J. Russo

SATURDAY 6.12 | 12:00PM - 1:00PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆👑🎥

Hosted by Nick J. Russo (He / Him)

Come join award-winning audio book narrator Nick J. Russo for a live reading of Red Heir, an MM romance novel by Lisa Henry and Sarah Honey, followed by a Q & A session for all your most burning queries.



Hosted by CC (She / Her)

On Friday and Saturday we will post a Cosplay Challenge Theme on Discord, and you will have 24 hours to put together a cosplay based on that theme! Costumes can be bought, borrowed, or made by hand—anything goes. Contestants must put together their outfit, take photos, and send it to us on Discord within 24 hours of the challenge being posted. To keep it fair, no photos from previous events/photoshoots will be accepted. We're mostly playing for fun, but there will be prizes for especially creative entries!

Parodies of Male Same-Sex Love in The Great Mirror of Male Love and Zetsuai 1989

SATURDAY 6.12 | 2:00PM - 3:00PM | The Outfield [Zoom 2] | 🍆🎥

Hosted by Rose (She / Her)

Through an analysis of Ozaki Minami’s BL manga, Zetsuai 1989, in comparison with Edo period discourse, specifically Ihara Saikaku’s The Great Mirror of Male Love (Nanshoku ōkagami), this panel will illustrate the history surrounding the establishment of the BL genre in association with parody. In their respective works, Saikaku creates a parody of the changing tradition of shudō while Ozaki paints an image of male same-sex eroticism aimed towards the female gaze. Please note that themes of misogyny, rape/abuse, and self-harm will be discussed in this panel.

Proper Fujo Etiquette: How to Be the Very Best Fujoshi

SATURDAY 6.12 | 6:00PM - 7:30PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 🍆🎥

Hosted by The Yaoi Shelf

Join the hosts of The Yaoi Shelf, Aisha and Amanda, on a journey through fujoshi horror stories, convention etiquette, and online discourse mixed with humor, wit and advice from two expert fujoshi on opposite ends of the fujo spectrum that make it work.

Q&A with Two and a Half Studios

SATURDAY 6.12 | 10:30PM - 11:30PM | DISCORD | 👑

Hosted by Two and a Half Studios

In this Q&A session with Two and a Half Studios, lead developer Gabby will answer your questions on visual novels, developing your own game, and more! Ask away!

Scarlet Beriko Live Draw and Q&A

SATURDAY 6.12 | 8:00PM - 9:30PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆👑

Hosted by FujoCon in partnership with SuBLime Manga

Join our Guest of Honor Scarlet Beriko for a live drawing session and Q&A.

Seraph of the End Watch Party

SUNDAY 6.13 | 4:00AM - 5:30AM | NETFLIX & teleparty

Hosted by Phya (She / Her)

REQUIRES NETFLIX & TELEPARTY. Come witness the ship so basically canon even US companies have used them in Valentines Day promotions. Seraph is set in a world where a deadly virus has wiped out most of humanity, allowing vampires to enslave the rest of the human race. It tells the story of an orphaned boy named Yuichiro Hyakuya trying to rid the world of the vampires by joining the Japanese Imperial Demon Army. It has demons, vampires, action, political backstabbing, an army of light novels to get lost in, and EVERYONE is hot. What more could a fujo ever want?

Tenankichi Q&A

SATURDAY 6.12 | 6:30PM - 7:00PM | DISCORD | 👑

Hosted by Rotten Blossoms

Find answers to all your burning fan questions in this Q&A with Rotten Blossoms artist Tenankichi.

Upstate NY BL Fans - Meetup

SATURDAY 6.12 | 12:00PM - 12:30PM | DISCORD

This is a meetup for BL fans who live in upstate NY!

Weaving Plot and Romance: How to Write an Interesting, Balanced Novel

SATURDAY 6.12 | 1:30PM - 3:00PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Rhys Ford (They / Them or She / Her), TA Moore (She / Her), & Bru Baker (She / Her)

“There have been three murders, an elephant is loose, and you want to KISS?!?” There's nothing that kills the mood like a murder, unless it's an angry werewolf. Plot beats, mood, genre expectations, are all tools that can be used to believably merge romance and other genres without losing any of the narrative tension or satisfying HEA. How do you bring the two together, though? Join award-winning authors of LGBTQ+ fiction TA Moore, Bru Baker, and Rhys Ford as they talk through how to make your characters take a break in the middle of battling evil in order to get them together.

What It's Like to Sell BL Art Online & Artist Alley

SATURDAY 6.12 | 11:00PM - 12:00AM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 🎥

Hosted by Riku Morningstar (BishiePro) (They / Them)

Join us and learn more about what is like to be a BL Artist selling art online or in a convention's Artist Alley. Learn helpful tips for those interested in someday joining the BL Artist Alley World.

Your Name Engraved Herein Watch Party


Hosted by Koilicious (She / Her)

REQUIRES NETFLIX & TELEPARTY. In 1987, as martial law ends in Taiwan, Jia-han and Birdy fall in love amid family pressure, homophobia and social stigma. (Netflix subscription required)

Yuri!!! on Ice in / and the Fandom Contact Zone

SATURDAY 6.12 | 12:30PM - 1:30PM | The Outfield [Zoom 2] | 🍆👑🎥

Hosted by Lori Morimoto (She / Her)

Was it a kiss? Wasn't it? This presentation explores the inter-fandom debates that occurred after the fateful meeting of Yuri and Victor's… noses? lips? in episode 7 of Yuri!!! on Ice, in which some bemoaned the scene's (and show's) apparent queerbaiting, and others pointed to a long history of implied romance in Japanese anime as the reason we only saw so much with our own eyes. We'll consider that debate, and others like it, in terms of transcultural fandom “contact zones”—online spaces where fans from varying cultural—and FAN cultural—contexts “meet, clash, and grapple” over meaning, media, and fandom.

Zines + Anthology - Meetup

SATURDAY 6.12 | 5:00PM - 6:00PM | Discord

This is a meet for BL+ fans and queer creators who love to make or organize zines/anthologies! Let's talk about our our dream projects, exchange ideas, self-promo (relevant content), and show off our anthologies and zines about/adjacent to BL!

SUNDAY JUNE 13, 12:00 am – CLOSE (CDT)

Among Us - Find the Imposter

SUNDAY 6.13 | 1:00PM - 3:00PM | DISCORD

Hosted by navaa (She / Her)

Join your crewmates in a multiplayer game of teamwork and betrayal! https://innersloth.com/gameAmongUs.php If you would like to play, please head to the Among Us channel in the FujoCon discord. Games will be first come, first serve.

BL Mad Libs (English)

SUNDAY 6.13 | 12:00PM - 1:00PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

That’s right, it wouldn’t be a convention without BL Garden’s infamous BL Mad Libs. Brush off your grammar and pull out your School House Rock in time for this hilarious time-honored tradition. Let’s make a splash with this year's Mad Libs!


SUNDAY 6.13 | 9:30AM - 10:00AM & 1:30PM - 2:00PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

This year we have six different trivia events each one with a different theme! The morning trivia offering will be “BL or Not!” and the afternoon trivia offering will be “New BL Titles.” Be sure to join and challenge your knowledge! Winners will receive amazing prizes!

Craft & Relax


Have some downtime between panels? Want to share what current project you're working on with everyone? Then stop by the Craft & Relax channel in Discord where you can live stream your project progress live with other crafters!

Fanfic to Fic: Why Writing Fanfic Helps an Author Hone Their Skills

SUNDAY 6.13 | 11:00AM - 12:30PM | The Outfield [Zoom 2] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Rhys Ford (They / Them or She / Her), TA Moore (She / Her), & Bru Baker (She / Her)

“Build your own ship from scratch.” Fanfic gets a bad rap. Everyone hates Mary Sues; what's the point of coffee shop AUs; and it's just wish fulfillment isn't it? And what's wrong with that, especially if you want to become a published author? Some of the biggest names in the industry have dipped their toe into fanfic, including the panelists, and there are many reasons why writing in someone else's universe helps make you a better writer. Join best-selling LGBTQ+ authors, Bru Baker, Rhys Ford and TA Moore, as they discuss why an aspiring writer benefits from writing fanfic, and how to make the transition from writing in a set universe to creating one of your own.

FANTI: A Roundtable with Aeri & Cristal Marie

SUNDAY 6.13 | 10:00AM - 11:00AM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆👑🎥

Hosted by Cristal Marie (She / Her), Aeri (They / Them), & THOTCRIMES (She / Her)

FANTI: A Roundtable explores topics related the growing trend of hostility and bigotry in queer and female-dominated spaces, including: the anti-shipping phenomenon and its roots in misogyny and xenophobia; the crackdown on BL creatives and the need for preservation efforts; the ongoing censorship of adult spaces; and the vilification of queer expression.


SUNDAY 6.13 | 12:00AM - 12:30AM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

Napoleon Dynamite, Napoleon Bonaparte, or Neapolitan ice cream? What will you choose in this classic game of Fuck Marry Kill? Choose between all sorts of pop culture, anime, and real life icons. Will you marry the Neapolitan ice cream?! 300+ new cards added!

Fujo is Not a 4-Letter Word: Destigmatizing the BL Genre

SUNDAY 6.13 | 2:30PM - 4:00PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆👑🎥

Hosted by Michi of VVBG (She/Her), Riza Masuyama (She / Her) & Carola (She / Her)

Why do women like gay fiction? Is m/m shipping inherently problematic? Are all fujos really just hetero white women? Is it okay to like BL if you are? Join three filthy fujos as they wrestle with some of the common accusations surrounding boy-on-boy love! If you’ve ever wondered whether it was okay for you to like BL, or if you wish to educate yourself (and/or others) about BL history and cultural context, then this is the panel for you!

FujoCon 2021 Closing Ceremony

SUNDAY 6.13 | 4:00PM - 4:30PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🎥

Hosted by FujoCon

The crew of BL Garden says their thanks and bids farewell to everyone who has helped make FujoCon a rousing success! Come and share the final moments of the con and perhaps, enjoy some booty.

Gay Karate Bugmen: A Rotten History of Toei's Super Hero Time

SUNDAY 6.13 | 10:30AM - 11:30AM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 🎥

Hosted by Chuchu (They / Them)

Rubber-suited monsters, sad cyborgs kicking things so hard they explode, spandex-wearing color-coded super heroes...and BL? Jump into the world of Tokusatsu (live action special effects shows) and learn more about the fujin/queer fandom of Toei's Kamen Rider and Super Sentai hero series, as well as the influence tokusatsu has had on BL and geicomi.


SUNDAY 6.13 | 1:00AM - 2:00AM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

Are words your jam? Tired of the usual boring Words With Friends? Let's get things spicy and show me that D in FujoCon’s very own BL Hangman! Can you guess these words from the most famous BL titles?

Jeff & Game Live Q&A

SUNDAY 6.13 | 1:30AM - 2:30AM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 👑🎥

Join Jeff Satur and Gameplay Rabbit (He She it, Ingredients the Series, KinnPorsche) for this exclusive live Q&A session.

Making Money as an Artist

SUNDAY 6.13 | 1:00PM - 2:00PM | The Outfield [Zoom 2] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Inma R. (She / Her)

Do you ever wonder how much an artist can make? Can artists live off their art jobs? Hear about the experience and learn some hints from an artist who's been living off her art for 8 years.

Morality in Boys Love Dramas

SUNDAY 6.13 | 11:30AM - 12:30PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🍆👑🎥

Hosted by LoveCast the BL Podcast

As the realm of live-action BL grows larger each year, there are many things to consider. What responsibilities do directors, producers, and writers need to consider when creating BL content for the live-action market? Should BL content be expected to grow and develop to match the rapidly expanding international fanbase? Join the ladies of Lovecast as they examine the intersection of industry and fiction in this panel on the role of morality in Boys Love media.

Nezha Watch Party

SUNDAY 6.13 | 10:00AM - 12:00PM | netflix

Hosted by Koilicious (She / Her)

REQUIRES NETFLIX & TELEPARTY. Bound by a divine mandate, rebellious outcast Nezha grapples with his formidable powers and a destiny that would imperil his loved ones. (Netflix subscription required)

“Pinoy” BL: Introduction to Filipino Language BL in the Philippines

SUNDAY 6.13 | 3:00AM - 4:00AM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 🎥

Hosted by Mikki Eugenio (He / Him)

This panel will introduce attendees to “Pinoy” BL—Boys Love in Filipino language. It will center around the many influences of local BL, as well as its forms (novel, comic and TV/web series), and how similar and different it is from other BL fandoms in Asia.

Q&A W/ Executive Producer Pop Chadtarat Kittichotiwong

SUNDAY 6.13 | 12:00AM - 1:00PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Pop Chadtarat Kittichotiwong (He / Him)

Join us for a chat and Q&A with Pop Chadtarat Kittichotiwong, Executive Producer of the Thai BL series Ingredients and He She It.


SUNDAY 6.13 | 10:30AM - 11:30AM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom]

Hosted by Prodigal Fujoshi (She / Her)

In this card game, you will combine crazy characters and potent powers to create the ultimate seme- the most attractive and desirable guy in the room. Then defend your man as all players debate which seme is supreme!

SuBLime Manga Industry Panel

SUNDAY 6.13 | 12:00PM - 1:00PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 👑🎥

Hosted by SuBLime Manga

Please join yaoi/Boys Love publisher SuBLime Manga for their industry panel where they will be covering all things SuBLime! There will be prizes, announcements, and a Q&A, so get those burning questions ready!

The Untamed Watch Party

SUNDAY 6.13 | 5:00AM - 7:00AM | netflix

Hosted by Phya (She / Her)

A watch along of the live action adaptation of the Chinese danmei smash hit, Mo Dao Zu Shi. It is a perfect starting point for anyone wanting to get into watching Chinese BL content, try the live action after seeing the anime, or even just begin a rewatch.

Voice Acting Q&A w/ Kiba and Cole

SUNDAY 6.13 | 1:00PM - 2:00PM | The Stadium [Zoom 1] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Kiba Walker (He / Him) & Cole Feutcher (He / Him)

Have questions about voice over or the how the whole procoess works to create an anime dub? Join Kiba and Cole as they answer all of your voice over questions!

World Building Without Info Dumps

SUNDAY 6.13 | 2:30PM - 4:00PM | The Outfield [Zoom 2] | 🎥

Hosted by Adrienne Wilder (He / Him) & Sharon Stogner (She / Her)

The goal of this panel is to help writers, new and seasoned, to explore other ways to convey the physical, historical, and other needed information about their world without large sections of narration that interrupt the flow of a story.

Yaoi Crate Industry Panel

SUNDAY 6.13 | 3:00PM - 4:00PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 👑🎥

Hosted by Tylor Starr & Levi Starr (He / Him)

Come join Yaoi Crate, the only yaoi and BL lifestyle subscription box, for their first ever industry panel! Attendees will get a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into making the monthly BL crates, and will be the first to hear exciting announcements about upcoming partners, titles, artists, and more. Trust Haruki-kun, you won't want to miss this!

Yaoi Go!

SUNDAY 6.13 | 2:30PM - 3:30PM | The Pitch [Gaming Zoom] | 🍆

Hosted by FujoCon Gaming

Grab that butt plug, don't forget the lube, and always use condoms in our version of Yaoi Go! Based on the hit card game Sushi GO! BL Garden has added a touch of that BL kink! So join in and play to win so you can grab our awesome prizes!

Yaoi!!! on ICE: Watching Sports Anime as Fujoshi

SUNDAY 6.13 | 1:30PM - 2:30PM | Lap Pool [Twitch] | 🎥

Hosted by Mel (She / Her) & THOTCRIMES (She / Her)

This panel examines the popularity of sports anime among fujoshi, from Kuroko to Yuri!!! on ICE. Prepare to take off the rose-colored glasses as we find out just how gay sports anime really is by exploring the context of shippy fan favorites, what the genre looks like post-Yuri!!!, and how to support these shows. Hosted by BL Garden of DFW.
