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FujoCon Artist Alley is a virtual directory of CREATIVES who MAKE BL, M/M, and shippy content.
In order to shoot for the moon, please take note of what’s new before applying for this year’s con. For 2022, we are happy to announce we are including writers in Artist Alley!
We are proud to keep our Artist Alley completely free for artists–no table fee for those who are accepted!
Thank you to all our artists in 2021, you truly helped us make FujoCon a success!
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• Artist Alley will be limited to 20 artists + 10 writers (not including guests).
• Creators’ shops must be majority BL, M/M, or fujo themed.
• Artist Alley directory on the site will have mini gallery features to showcase samples of creator’s work.
• Creators and AA will be promoted on social media.
• FujoCon exclusive pieces (or new merch drops during the con) is encouraged, but not required.
• This is a juried AA judged based on the type of work you sell as well as the overall quality of the work or product.
• Artist Alley directory on Discord with quick links, plus chat and self-promotion channels.
• Artist Alley opens on the website a few days before FujoCon, so you can generate interest and sales longer!
• Artist Alley listing order is random and not alphabetical.
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Click here for a handy checklist
This is a juried AA judged based on the type of work you sell as well as the overall quality of work and product
Must be 18 years old to apply
Have a general interest in FujoCon and the “ship and let ship” values we represent
You are not required to attend, but please apply only if this type of con appeals to you
All art / crafts must be drawn or made by the applicant
No proxy applications or sellers
No official or bootleg merchandise may be sold
No stolen art
Both fanart and original art will be allowed
No tracings or redraws of official art or another artist’s work
This includes a ban on redrawings of sprites, any copied perler art, enamel pins that are obvious screencap redraws, and the use of any “printed at home from the internet” collage or craft pieces. Official posters, manga pages, etc. are okay for collage or crafting purposes.
Both 2D and 3D art is allowed
18+ / NSFW art is allowed
Any shop images or promotional images must be censored
The artist is responsible for verifying that a customer is over 18
Any art that falls within the “shota” category is prohibited
The majority of art / crafts within your shop must fall within any of the following “BL+” categories:
Boys’ love / yaoi
MM Romance / slash
Gei comi
“Shippy” art of two male characters
Fujoshi / fudanshi / fujin oriented merch
Other art categories will be considered, but do not guarantee acceptance:
General LGBT / queer / pride
BL-adjacent genres such as sports anime and male idols as well as BL-adjacent titles
Please note that we are mostly seeking artists who align with our BL+ theme of the con.
Having a single pride item or one shippy print in your shop does not qualify.
We are prioritizing artists who draw BL over just general pride merch, but this kind of merch does not disqualify you.
You are not required to take commissions
FujoCon exclusive merch, or new merch drops during the con, are also encouraged but not required
All prose must be written by the applicant
No proxy applications or sellers
No stolen work
Both fanfic and original work will be allowed
No stolen fanfic passed off as original MM fiction
Both digital downloads / ebooks and physical copies are allowed to be sold
18+ / NSFW work is allowed
Any shop images or promotional images must be censored
The writer is responsible for verifying that a customer is over 18
Any writing that falls within the “shota” category is prohibited
The majority of writing within your shop must fall within any of the following “BL+” categories:
Boys’ love / yaoi
MM Romance / slash
Gei comi
“Shippy” stories of two male characters
Other writing categories will be considered, but do not guarantee acceptance:
General LGBT / queer
BL-adjacent genres such as sports anime and male idols as well as BL-adjacent titles
Please note that we are mostly seeking creators who align with our BL+ theme of the con
Having a single queer story or one MM romance fic in your shop does not qualify
You are not required to take commissions, but we discourage offering fanfic commissions for legal reasons
FujoCon exclusive stories, or new prose drops during the con, are also encouraged but not required
Must have an online store front
Because this is a virtual convention, we are not judging based on portfolio, but on shop
Make sure your shop link works! We will not google anyone to find your shop, so an invalid link will automatically disqualify you
Must be able to ship internationally (if shipping a physical item)
We check this, so anyone who applies and cannot ship internationally will be disqualified
FujoCon is an international con, so it’s simply not fair to exclude attendees who aren’t from the US
An exception will be made for shipping to any country currently suspended by the USPS, but please try to find a workaround by using a different shipping service
The majority of items in your shop must be in-stock
You cannot have an entire shop full of “pre-orders”
We will evaluate all artists based on the above rules first and foremost
Additionally, we will judge based on the overall quality of work and product
We know everyone has different skill levels, but we want to insure a baseline of quality for our attendees
Above all, we are looking for creators who dedicate themselves to making BL or M/M works (fanworks or original)
Our art judges are artists and AA supporters themselves, while our writing judges are avid consumers of MM fiction
Discord accounts are strongly encouraged, but not required
Why Discord?
Discord allows interactions with customers in our virtual “storefront”
Discord is your best tool for self-promotion with attendees in our designated AA self-promo channel
Some panels and fan meets for the con may be on Discord, if you have interest in attending
Discord will be the quickest way to get in touch with FujoCon staff during the con if you have any questions or needs
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FujoCon assumes that everything in your application is accurate and truthful. We also presume that you are interested in BL+ content and do not object to the theme or overall goals of the convention. Therefore, FujoCon takes no responsibility for the following:
Anyone who falsifies their information or wrongly fills out an application
Anyone under the age of 18 who views or buys NSFW work
Any legal ramifications for mailing NSFW work
Any issues that arise between a creator and customer
Any issues with the specific content or quality of an creator's work
FujoCon does not tolerate bullying of any kind, and we reserve the right to remove from our event those who engage in bullying or uncivil behavior during our event and/or on our social media feeds.